Picturesque Palestine II: Samaria, Galilee, and Syria
Of many works published by explorers of Palestine in the 19th century,
none is as highly regarded as the lavishly illustrated and expertly
written Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt. Edited by Charles
Wilson and published in four volumes in 1881, this work captures the essence of the
biblical lands in word and drawing, showing both ancient sites and
native customs.
The descriptions of the regions were written by experts with an eye to presenting the land to those who would never have the opportunity to visit. This first-ever electronic edition includes the entirety of the original Volume 2, including 12 steel engravings, 140 wood engravings and 238 pages of text. Volume 2 includes these sections:
Samaria and Plain of Esdraelon
by Mary Eliza Rogers
Esdraelon and Nazareth
by Henry B. Tristram
by Selah Merrill
Cæsarea Philippi and the Highlands of Galilee
by Selah Merrill
Mount Hermon and its Temples
by Selah Merrill
by Philip Schaff and Mary Eliza Rogers
by Henry H. Jessup
The Wâdy Barada
by Henry H. Jessup
by Henry H. Jessup
Complete Book: The entire book is included in a PDF file, as originally published. This is the essence (and most difficult to reproduce) of this project and is most recommended. The original publication is preserved exactly, with the original layout and pagination. Thus any references to this work in other sources can be found on the same page as in the original. In addition, the PDF file provides the user with the ability to search, copy text into other files, and print in high-resolution.
The first 7 pages of the Samaria section are available here in either high resolution (as in volume; 3 MB) or low resolution (300 kb - faster download; not as high print quality).
PowerPoint Files: For ease of use, all of the illustrations are included in PowerPoint format. This makes it easy for the user to quickly copy and paste slides into their own PowerPoint presentations. For easy identification, each illustration includes the original caption in the "Speaker's Notes" section of the slide.
The Images: All images are high-resolution (1600 x 1200 or higher) jpeg files, ideal for projecting in a classroom, viewing on a monitor or printing. Click on one of the images below to see a medium-resolution version.
Price: $20; or get all 4 volumes for $75; now
Guarantee: you will be satisfied or your money will be refunded.
Table of Contents
SAMARIA AND PLAIN OF ESDRAELON. By Miss M. E. ROGERS Vale of Shechem.—Joseph’s Tomb.—Jacob’s Well.—Ebal and Gerizim.—Nâblus.—Gardens.—The Samaritans.—The Passover.—Sebaste.—Dothan.—Jenîn.—Plain of Esdraelon.—Carmel.— Waters of Megiddo.
ESDRAELON AND NAZARETH. By the Rev. CANON TRISTRAM, D.D., F.R.S. En Gannim.—Jezreel.—Gilboa.—The Kishon.—Tabor.—Defeat of Sisera.—Gideon’s Victory.— Battlefields.—Shunem.—View from Neby Duhy.—Village of Nain.—Caves of Endor.— Nazareth.
GALILEE. By the Rev. Dr. SELAH MERRILL. Tiberias.—View from the Castle.—View from Hermon.—View from Tabor.—Cana of Galilee.— The Crusaders.—Mount of Beatitudes.—Volcanoes.—Valley of Pigeons.—Battle of Arbela.— Magdala.—Sea of Tiberias.—Papyrus.—Gennesaret.—Site of Capernaum.—Site of Bethsaida.—Cliffs of Akhbara.—Safed.—Earthquakes.—Synagogues at Meirôn and Kefr Beirim.
CÆSAREA PHILIPPI AND THE HIGHLANDS OF GALILEE. By the Rev. Dr. SELAH MERRILL. People of Galilee.—Phœnicians.—Ancient Commerce.—Cities of Refuge.—Kedesh Naphtali.— Hunîn.—Lake Hûleh.—Reed Villages.—The Hasbâny.—Site of Dan.—Bâniâs.—Fountain of the Jordan.—Cæsarea Philippi.—Castle of Subeibeh.
MOUNT HERMON AND ITS TEMPLES. By the Rev. Dr. SELAH MERRILL. The Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon.—The Bŭkâ’a.—Oaks of Bashan.—Sacred Trees.—Lake Phiala.— Wâdy et Teim.—Pottery of Rasheiyet el Fŭkhâr.—Wâdy Shib’a.—Caverns and Grottoes.— Hasbeiya.—Source of the Jordan.—The Leddân.—Temples of Hermon.—Rukleh.—Deir el ’Ashair.—Gorge of the Barada.
DAMASCUS. By the Rev. Dr. PHILIP SCHAFF and Miss M. E. ROGERS. Gardens and Rivers of Damascus.—Cafés.—Mosques.—Ancient Remains.—Tombs of Saladin and Bibars.—The Peasants’ Bazaar.—The Citadel.—Discovery of Arrows.—The Tekîyeh.—A Death-cry.—Private Houses.—Silversmiths and Bookbinders.—Horse Market.—Pigeon Fanciers.—Historical Sketch.—Saladin.—The Camel.—Mohammedan Worship.—The Koran.—Present Condition of Damascus.
PALMYRA. By the Rev. HENRY H. JESSUP, D.D. Springtime.—The Bedawîn.—To Palmyra viâ Kuryetein.—Temple of the Sun.—The Grand Colonnade.—Triumphal Gateway.—Wall of Justinian.—Turkish Fortification.—Tower Sepulchres.—Palmyrene Inscriptions.—Historical Sketch.
THE WÂDY BARADA. By the Rev. HENRY H. JESSUP, D.D. ’Ain Fîjeh.—Sûk, Wâdy Barada.—Abila.—Ancient Tombs and Tablets.—Plain of Zebedâny.— Source of the Barada.—The Bŭkâ’a.—Tombs of Seth, Noah, and Ham.—Arab Shrines.
BA’ALBEK. By the Rev. HENRY H. JESSUP, D.D. The Quarries.—Method of raising Colossal Stones.—Temple Platform.—Tunnels.—Temple of the Sun.—The Six Columns.—Inscriptions in the Portico.—Temple of Venus.—Ruined Mosque.—City Walls.—Historical Sketch of Ba’albek.