The American Colony and Eric Matson Collection:
Southern Palestine
Founded in 1881 by Horatio Spafford (author of the famous hymn, It
is Well With My Soul), the American Colony in Jerusalem operated a
thriving photographic enterprise for almost four decades. Their images
document the land and its people, with a special emphasis on biblical
and archaeological sites, inspirational scenes, and
historic events. One of the photographers, G. Eric Matson, inherited the
archive, adding to it his own later work through the “Matson Photo
Service.” He eventually donated all the negatives to the U.S. Library of
Congress, which has made them available to the public.
This volume includes more than 550 selected photographs of sites
and scenes south of Jerusalem, including Bethlehem, Hebron, the
Shephelah, Tell Beit Mirsim, the Judean wilderness, Jericho, the Jordan
River, the Dead Sea, Masada, Qumran, and the Negev. All of the images
are included in pre-made PowerPoint® files for quick and easy use, as
well as in high-resolution jpg format, suitable for projecting or
printing. Quotations from 19th-century travelers give additional context
to the photographs.
Free: Download the Bethlehem PowerPoint file.
About the Producer: Dr. Todd Bolen is a Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University. He lived and taught for many years at their campus near Jerusalem. He is the producer of more than 45 volumes of photographs illustrating the biblical world, including the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands and the Photo Companion to the Bible.
$25 $20 (free shipping
in the U.S.)
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complete 8-volume
set for $189 $99
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List of Photographs in the Volume
Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity.ppt
Dead Sea, Mining Operations.ppt
Dead Sea, Qumran and En Gedi.ppt
Dead Sea, Western Side.ppt
Jordan River.ppt
Judean Hill Country.ppt
Lod and Ramle.ppt
Philistine Cities.ppt
Shephelah, Beth Guvrin.ppt
Shephelah, Beth Shemesh.ppt
Shephelah, Tell Beit Mirsim.ppt
Solomon's Pools.ppt
Beit Jala
Bethlehem from Church of Nativity
Bethlehem from south, man drawing water at well
Bethlehem from southwest with camel
Bethlehem from southwest with sheep
Bethlehem from southwest
Bethlehem marketplace
Bethlehem Shepherds' Field and Herodium
Bethlehem Shepherds' Field, grotto
Bethlehem Shepherds' Fields
Bethlehem street
Bethlehem well, animals being watered
Bethlehem with Herodium in distance
Bethlehem, camel rider approaching in twilight
Bethlehem, Christmas Day, shepherd with sheep
Bethlehem, Church of Nativity under snow
Bethlehem, country roadway near city
Bethlehem, courtyard of old home
Bethlehem, distant view from southwest
Bethlehem, Field of Boaz, sheep in harvested fields
Bethlehem, gate
Bethlehem, general view from southwest
Bethlehem, general view
Bethlehem, home in oldest part of town
Bethlehem, home partly in cave
Bethlehem, main street
Bethlehem, man on donkey
Bethlehem, market in front of church at night
Bethlehem, Milk Grotto
Bethlehem, Nativity Church, and Herodium from belfry
Bethlehem, parents and baby
Bethlehem, Rachel's Tomb
Bethlehem, Rachel's Tomb, on road near Bethlehem
Bethlehem, shepherd with flock
Bethlehem, shepherds and flocks in foreground
Bethlehem, shepherds with flock
Bethlehem, showing Church of Nativity
Bethlehem, street in oldest part of town
Bethlehem, sunlit street of old homes
Bethlehem, Swedish hospital, Beit Jala in distance
Bethlehem, Well of David
Bethlehem, Well of Magi
Bethlehem, well that David longed for
Caravan route to Bethlehem, suggestive of wise men
Fields of Boaz, reaper in fields
Mountain path to Bethlehem
Native home near Bethlehem
Olive groves near Bethlehem
Shepherds' Fields, flock with Bethlehem in distance
Threshing floor near Fields of Boaz, grain piles
Vineyards and olive groves near Bethlehem
Winnowing near Bethlehem, story of Ruth and Boaz
Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity
Bethlehem, Basilica and Church of St Catherine
Bethlehem, Christmas Day
Bethlehem, Christmas religious procession
Bethlehem, Church of St Catherine
Bethlehem, St Jerome's Tree
Church of Nativity with British and French guards
Church of Nativity with military sandbags
Church of Nativity, Armenian altar
Church of Nativity, British guard of church
Church of Nativity, carved ornaments on wooden door
Church of Nativity, cell where Jerome translated
Church of Nativity, Christmas Eve service
Church of Nativity, Christmas service
Church of Nativity, colonnade
Church of Nativity, courtyard
Church of Nativity, enormous lock of church
Church of Nativity, entrance
Church of Nativity, excavation of Byzantine mosaic
Church of Nativity, guard in Grotto
Church of Nativity, interior looking west
Church of Nativity, interior with descent to Grotto
Church of Nativity, interior with shafts of light
Church of Nativity, interior
Church of Nativity, iron door of church
Church of Nativity, light shafts encircling pillars
Church of Nativity, manger
Church of Nativity
Church of Nativity, mosaic floor
Church of Nativity, mosaic resembling swastikas
Church of Nativity, with barrel of blessed water
Dead Sea, Mining Operations
Dead Sea and Kallia Hotel composite
Dead Sea, aerial view
Dead Sea, collecting salt from lagoon
Dead Sea, Kallia Hotel lounge looking toward lobby
Dead Sea, Kallia Hotel, southern terrace, top floor
Dead Sea, lagoon for collecting salt
Dead Sea, loading donkeys with salt
Kallia Marine Airport at Dead Sea, sign
Palestine Potash camp, night
Palestine Potash panorama, looking north
Palestine Potash panorama, looking southeast
Palestine Potash, carnalite pans, Sodom Mountain
Palestine Potash, evaporating pans
Palestine Potash, from above
Palestine Potash, general view
Palestine Potash
Palestine Potash, petrified forest effect in carnallite
Palestine Potash, power house and pumping station
Palestine Potash, salt formations
Palestine Potash, snow drift effect in evaporating pan
Dead Sea, Qumran and En Gedi
Dead Sea Scrolls, Habakkuk commentary
Dead Sea Scrolls, War Scroll
Ein Feshka spring
En Gedi from sea
En Gedi looking south
En Gedi, looking east
En Gedi, looking north
En Gedi, rugged pass
En Gedi, sunrise
En Gedi, upper spring
Qumran Cave 4, looking out entrance
Qumran excavations, general view looking east
Qumran excavations, looking west to Judean Hills
Dead Sea, Western Shore
Dead Sea from cave
Dead Sea from Masada
Dead Sea from shore, sunrise over Mount Nebo
Dead Sea sunrise from Mount Sodom
Dead Sea with Lisan between En Gedi and Masada
Dead Sea, cliffs on shoreline
Dead Sea, dock
Dead Sea, estuary of Jordan River
Dead Sea, man floating with umbrella
Dead Sea, mouth of Jordan River
Dead Sea, mouth of Jordan, designs of dry mud
Dead Sea, mouth of wadi on western side
Dead Sea, north end, boats and buildings
Dead Sea, north end, shipping
Dead Sea, palm trees killed by water
Dead Sea, Ras el Feshkha
Dead Sea, sail boat, view to southwest
Dead Sea, sail boats
Dead Sea, south end from heights of Sodom Mountain
Dead Sea, southern end from shore of Sodom Mountain
Dead Sea, sunrise over mountains
Dead Sea, wadi on western shore
Flock of sheep in wilderness, view toward Dead Sea
Formations near Dead Sea
Judean wilderness and Dead Sea from west
Marl formations near Masada
Marl formations near view
Sodom Mountain from north
Sodom Mountain showing salt slabs
Sodom Mountain, cave and appearance of gateway
Sodom Mountain, cave with salt stalactites
Sodom Mountain, colossal salt slabs
Sodom Mountain, entrance to caves
Sodom Mountain, great shaft
Sodom Mountain, Pillar of Salt silhouette
Sodom Mountain, Pillar of Salt
Sodom Mountain, precipitous cliffs of solid rocksalt
Sodom Mountain, rock salt formations and Dead Sea
Sodom Mountain, salt formations resembling coral
Sodom Mountain, salt stalactites in cave
Sodom Mountain, view looking out from cave
Sodom Mountain, wave like formations
Specimens of salt from Sodom Mountain
Hebron from east
Hebron from south
Hebron from west
Hebron hospital from west
Hebron, Abraham's Oak
Hebron, ancient upper pool
Hebron, cemetery on Friday
Hebron, David's Pool
Hebron, Machpelah enclosure, basilica and minaret
Hebron, Machpelah enclosure, west facade
Hebron, Machpelah, cave access with cupola
Hebron, Machpelah, cenotaph of Abraham
Hebron, Machpelah, cenotaph of Isaac
Hebron, Machpelah, cenotaph of Joseph
Hebron, Machpelah, cenotaph of Sarah
Hebron, Machpelah, closed entrance to cave
Hebron, Machpelah, details of Fatimid pulpit
Hebron, Machpelah, doorway
Hebron, Machpelah, Fatimid pulpit with mihrab
Hebron, Machpelah, Herodian pilastered walls detail
Hebron, Machpelah, inner entrance with large stones
Hebron, Machpelah
Hebron, Machpelah, mihrab prayer niche
Hebron, Machpelah, monument over cave entrance
Hebron, Machpelah, mosaics in prayer niche
Hebron, Machpelah, tomb of Joseph
Hebron, Machpelah, tombs of Jacob and Leah domes
Hebron, tanning skins for water bottles
Hebron, water carriers at David's Pool
Hebron, water skin tannery
Mamre, Ramet el Khalil, Herodian wall encircling ruins
Mamre, Ramet el Khalil, recent excavations
Mamre, Ramet el Khalil, stones with Byzantine inscription
Bedouin camp in Valley of Achor near Jericho
Gilgal, Jiljul
Jericho excavation, city wall, Mount of Temptation
Jericho plain, general view
Jericho, Elisha's fountain and mill
Jericho, Elisha's fountain and Mount of Temptation
Jericho, Elisha's fountain
Jericho, excavations of tell northern end from east
Jericho, excavations of tell
Jericho, Hisham's palace, east gate of palace
Jericho, Hisham's palace, general view east
Jericho, Hisham's palace, looking nw showing baths
Jericho, Middle Bronze rampart, northern end of tell
Jericho, modern city from south
Jericho, modern city with Jordan Hotel
Jericho, ruins and Mount of Temptation
Jericho, ruins of Crusader sugar mills
Jericho, tell from west
Jordan Valley from Monastery of Quarantana
Mount of Temptation
Palm plantation in Jordan Valley
Valley of Achor, Bedouin tent
Valley of Achor
View from Mount of Temptation
Wilderness of Judea, Mt of Temptation, aerial view
Jordan River
Allenby Bridge over Jordan River
Allenby Bridge under test
Allenby Bridge, under construction
Allenby Bridge, with car
Beth Hogla, Kasr el Hajla
Convent of St John near Jordan
Ferry boat across Jordan River
Formations near Jordan River
Jordan River flooding
Jordan River from Allenby bridge
Jordan River showing eastern bank
Jordan River with Allenby Bridge
Jordan River with men in car
Jordan River with Turkish Ghoraniyeh bridge
Jordan River, aerial view of bend
Jordan River, aerial view
Jordan River, Allenby Bridge guard house in flood
Jordan River, Ceremony of Epiphany preparations
Jordan River, Ceremony of Epiphany with Russian pilgrims
Jordan River, Ceremony of Epiphany
Jordan River, choked with debris
Jordan River, flood covering area by Allenby Bridge closeup
Jordan River, flood covering area by Allenby Bridge
Jordan River, flooding far above banks
Jordan River, looking down stream
Jordan River, looking up river
Jordan River, man and woman swimming
Jordan River
Jordan River, men with sandbags
Jordan River, south of Sheik Hussein bridge
Jordan River, traditional site of Christ's baptism
Temporary British suspension bridge over Jordan River
Judean Hill Country
Abu Gosh, Church of Apparition in Deir el Azhar
Abu Gosh, Crusader church from northwest
Abu Gosh, Crusader church interior
Abu Gosh, Crusader church, north entrance
Abu Gosh
Abu Gosh, ruins of Crusader church
Bethar spring
Carmel, south of Hebron
Dahariyeh village
Deir Yassin trenches and approach to Jerusalem, 1917
Deir Yassin trenches and Kolonia Road
Deir Yassin trenches
Dolmen on way to En Kerem
Ein Kerem and Latin convent
Ein Kerem from Franciscan tower
Ein Kerem from north
Ein Kerem from west
Ein Kerem
Ein Kerem, minaret
Ein Kerem, native village
Ein Kerem, view of Sisters of Zion Convent
Ein Kerem, wine press
El Qubeibeh from west with Nebi Samwil
El Qubeibeh, Emmaus, construction of Cleopas church
El Qubeibeh, Franciscan church, interior
El Qubeibeh, German hospice from garden
El Qubeibeh, possible Emmaus, from southeast
El-Qubeibeh, possible Emmaus, Church of Cleopas
El-Qubeibeh, possible Emmaus, from southwest
En Kerem, Church of Elizabeth's Visitation
Kiriath Anavim, Dilb dairy colony near Jerusalem
Mar Elias, Greek monastery
Mar Elias, well
Roman road to Bet Guvrin
Samson's cave
St John in Wilderness, Ain Habis, church
Wadi Ali, entrance to Judean Hills
Weli at Bab el Wad
Lod and Ramle
Lod and Church of St. George
Lod, Church of St. George interior
Lod, general view
Lod, reputed home of St George and dragon
Lydda Airport building in construction
Lydda Airport, Haniball plane from top of building
Lydda Airport, landing ground from top of hanger
Lydda Airport, landing of KLM plane
Lydda Airport, model
Lydda Airport, runways with aneilon
Ramle from tower
Ramle, cactus hedges and tower
Ramle, general view
Ramle, Tower of Forty Martyrs
Ramle, view from east
Ramle, view from tower
Masada from east
Masada from east, reflected in water
Masada from north with Roman ramp
Masada from northeast
Masada, Byzantine church ruins
Masada, northern palace with view north
Masada, Roman camp of Flavius Silva
Masada, Roman camps and Dead Sea
Masada, Roman siege ramp
Masada, standing gateway
Masada, storehouses
Masada, western side with Roman ramp
Bartering at Beersheba
Beersheba, general view
Beersheba, main street
Beersheba, old well
Elusa, well
Mampsis view
Nessana, Hafir el Auja
Nessana, ruins at church
Tell el-Farah South, excavation
Tell el-Farah South, general view
Tell el-Farah South, men viewing excavation
Tell Jemmeh from west
Tell Jemmeh, excavated area, southern end of mound
Tell Jemmeh, excavations
Tell Jemmeh
Tell Jemmeh, remains of ancient mud brick ramparts
Tell Jemmeh, ruins
Philistine Cities
Ashdod, houses and inhabitants
Ashdod, ruins
Ashkelon, base of column and lintel being extracted
Ashkelon, commissioner Samuel opening excavations, 1920
Ashkelon, commissioner Samuel viewing ruins
Ashkelon, general view
Ashkelon, Greco-Roman artifacts
Ashkelon, group among ruins
Ashkelon, marble statue unearthed
Ashkelon, remains of city wall
Ashkelon, ruins
Coastal plain from heights of Saris, looking west
Gaza, from west
Gaza, Great Mosque and view
Gaza, Great Mosque from east
Gaza, ruined mosque
Gaza, ruins
Jebel Muntar near Gaza
Rafah, Egypt and Palestine ancient boundary line
Aijalon Valley and Beth Horon
Aijalon Valley from Lower Beth Horon
Aijalon Valley
Amwas village, possible Emmaus
Amwas, ruins of Crusader church
Azekah, Tell Zacharia
Elah Valley and Azekah from southeast
Elah Valley and Socoh
Elah Valley, general view
Gezer, Abu Shusheh, distant view with camel
Gezer, Alan Rowe's excavations
Lachish, Tell Duweir, excavations of revetment
Lachish, Tell Duweir
Modiin, distant view
Modiin, Maccabean tombs
Shephelah from Beit Jamal
Zorah, tomb of Samson
Shephelah, Beth Guvrin
Beth Guvrin, antechamber of Sidonian tomb
Beth Guvrin, bell cave
Beth Guvrin, cave dwelling of gunpowder makers
Beth Guvrin, columbarium
Beth Guvrin, loculi in main chamber of Sidonian tomb
Beth Guvrin, mosaic floor
Beth Guvrin, mosaic of gazelle
Beth Guvrin, mosaic of tethered horse
Beth Guvrin, rolling stone door with cross
Beth Guvrin, ruins of church
Beth Guvrin, Sidonian tomb after cleaning
Beth Guvrin, Sidonian tomb main chamber
Beth Guvrin, Sidonian tomb with wall paintings
Beth Guvrin, staircase in cave
Tell Sandahanna, biblical Maresha
Shephelah, Beth Shemesh
Beth Shemesh excavations, broken pottery
Beth Shemesh excavations, close up of burned strata
Beth Shemesh excavations, dump
Beth Shemesh excavations, dumps, basket women
Beth Shemesh excavations
Beth Shemesh excavations, view to northeast
Beth Shemesh from south
Beth Shemesh from southwest
Beth Shemesh from west with wheat field
Beth Shemesh, from hills of Beit Jamal
Beth Shemesh, ruins
Beth Shemesh, section of excavated area, workers
Beth Shemesh, section of n wall with Sorek Valley
Shephelah, Tell Beit Mirsim
Tell Beit Mirsim excavations
Tell Beit Mirsim, city wall fourteen feet thick
Tell Beit Mirsim, collection of precious potsherds
Tell Beit Mirsim, dishes with mutton and rice
Tell Beit Mirsim, east shrine of high place
Tell Beit Mirsim, entrance to west gate
Tell Beit Mirsim, excavating fortress at west gate
Tell Beit Mirsim, excavating house at east gate
Tell Beit Mirsim, great closing dinner
Tell Beit Mirsim, great east gate
Tell Beit Mirsim, high place later used for dyework
Tell Beit Mirsim, looking south from tell
Tell Beit Mirsim, Lower Springs
Tell Beit Mirsim
Tell Beit Mirsim, remains of houses at east gate
Tell Beit Mirsim, revetment, south wall
Tell Beit Mirsim, view of Wadi el Butmeh
Tell Beit Mirsim, workmen waiting for closing feast
Solomon's Pools
Artas, Arab village near Etam and Solomon's Pools
Artas, convent
Ein Arrub, cleaning out spring
Ein Arrub, course of aqueduct
Ein Arrub, filling reservoir
Ein Arrub, pumps at work
Ein Arrub, reservoir
Ein Arrub, waterworks
Roman aqueduct from Solomon's Pools to Jerusalem
Solomon's Pools from west
Solomon's Pools, eastern pool
Solomon's Pools, forking of Wadi Biyyar aqueduct
Solomon's Pools, general view from northeast
Solomon's Pools, inflow of aqueduct into upper pool
Solomon's Pools, lower pool from east
Solomon's Pools, middle pool from south
Solomon's Pools, one of Wadi Biyyar aqueduct tunnels
Solomon's Pools, open section of aqueduct
Solomon's Pools, pumping station
Solomon's Pools, section of Arrub aqueduct
Solomon's Pools, section of Ein Attah aqueduct
Solomon's Pools, Wadi Biyyar, section above dam
Apostles' Fountain
Chariton cave area
Ein Farah gorge
Ein Farah pumping station
Ein Farah waterworks
Ein Fawwar, spring in Wadi Qilt
Good Samaritan inn on road to Jericho
Herodium, ruins on summit
Jericho road descending from Bethany, aerial
Jericho Road near Nebi Musa, Wadi K'taif
Jericho Road with pilgrims
Jericho road, sea level
Judean Wilderness from north
Mar Saba and Nahal Kidron
Mar Saba, belfry with buttresses on south side
Mar Saba, convent courtyard
Mar Saba, doorway with monk
Mar Saba, inside monastery
Mar Saba
Nahal Darga, looking west
Nahal Kidron near Mar Saba
Nebi Musa, general view
Nebi Musa, interior with crowds
Nebi Musa, pilgrims gathering
Road from Jerusalem to Jericho
Valley of Hyenas
Wadi En Nar, mouth of Kidron
Wadi Farah, looking up valley westward
Wadi Qilt with pool of water
Wadi Qilt with St George's monastery
Wadi Qilt
Wilderness and Dead Sea from Nebi Musa
Wilderness and Mt of Olives from Good Samaritan inn
Wilderness and Transjordan from Mt of Olives
Wilderness from Mount of Olives
Wilderness of Tekoa