The American Colony and Eric Matson Collection:
Northern Palestine
Founded in 1881 by Horatio Spafford (author of the famous hymn, It
is Well With My
Soul), the American Colony in Jerusalem operated a
thriving photographic enterprise for almost four decades. Their images
document the land and its people, with a special emphasis on biblical
and archaeological sites, inspirational scenes, and
historic events. One of the photographers, G. Eric Matson, inherited the
archive, adding to it his own later work through the “Matson Photo
Service.” He eventually donated all the negatives to the U.S. Library of
Congress, which has made them available to the public.
This volume includes 600 selected photographs of sites and scenes north of Jerusalem, including the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, the Jezreel Valley, Samaria, Shechem, Jaffa, and the Benjamin plateau. All of the images are included in pre-made PowerPoint® files for quick and easy use, as well as in high-resolution jpg format, suitable for projecting or printing. Quotations from 19th-century travelers give additional context to the photographs.
Free: Download the
of Galilee: Tiberias PowerPoint file. (Need
About the Producer: Dr. Todd Bolen is a Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University. He lived and taught for many years at their campus near Jerusalem. He is the producer of more than 48 volumes of photographs illustrating the biblical world, including the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands and the Photo Companion to the Bible.
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List of Photographs in the Volume
Caesarea Philippi.ppt
Ephraim and Manasseh.ppt
Galilee Hill Country.ppt
Huleh Basin.ppt
Jezreel Valley.ppt
Mount Carmel.ppt
Mount Hermon.ppt
Mount Tabor.ppt
Samaria city.ppt
Sea of Galilee, Capernaum.ppt
Sea of Galilee, Tabgha.ppt
Sea of Galilee, Tiberias.ppt
Sea of Galilee.ppt
Sharon Plain.ppt
Shechem area.ppt
Tel Aviv.ppt
Acco and harbor
Acco from bay
Acco, British cannon from Napoleonic Wars
Acco, castle gardens
Acco, castle moat on north side
Acco, Crusader castle, Palestine penitentiary
Acco, Mosque of Jezzar Pasha
Acco, Mosque of Jezzar Pasha
Mount Carmel and Plain of Asher
Nakura, British frontier post on seacoast
Plain of Asher
Anathoth, home of Jeremiah
Ascent to Beth Horon
Ein Samiya gorge
Excavations at Mizpah, course of wall
Excavations at Mizpah
Excavations at Mizpah, mouth of old cistern
Excavations at Mizpah, old cave unearthed
Excavations at Mizpah, pillared building
Excavations at Mizpah, remains of wall and tower
Excavations at Mizpah, sifting debris for potsherds
Excavations at Mizpah, view south to Jerusalem
Excavations at Mizpah, visitors
Excavations at Mizpah, wall 18 feet wide
Excavations at Mizpah, wall
Excavations at Mizpah, women carrying debris
Excavations at Mizpah, women dumping debris
Geba, modern Jeba
Gibeah of Saul, Tell el Ful
Gibeon pool, Nebi Samwil on horizon
Gibeon, spring
Looking south from Ramah
Lower Beth Horon
Lower Beth Horon
Michmash gorge, Bozez and Seneh
Michmash, modern Mukhmas
Michmash, rolling stone of tomb
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, excavations
Nebi Samwil from British trenches
Nebi Samwil from el-Jib, Gibeon
Nebi Samwil from Mizpah
Nebi Samwil from the British trenches
Nebi Samwil with rebuilt mosque
Nebi Samwil
Nebi Samwil, ruined village
Nebi Samwil, threshing floor in foreground
Nob, Shuafat
Ramah of Benjamin, modern er-Ram
Rimmon, modern Rammun
Upper and Lower Beth Horon
Upper Beth Horon
Caesarea, apses of cathedral from southeast
Caesarea, Arab homes built over site of cathedral
Caesarea, castle and harbor from north
Caesarea, castle and harbor from north
Caesarea, castle from south
Caesarea, castle, close up of fallen mass of wall
Caesarea, castle, small section on south side
Caesarea, drain close to north Crusader wall
Caesarea, eastern Crusader rampart and moat
Caesarea, general view from south
Caesarea, general view of Arab town
Caesarea, hippodrome, large conical stone fragment
Caesarea, mole of pillars looking seaward
Caesarea, mole of pillars looking southwest
Caesarea, northern Crusader rampart and moat
Caesarea, overlooking cathedral showing three apses
Caesarea, overlooking northern Crusader rampart
Caesarea, Roman aqueduct
Caesarea, Roman aqueduct
Caesarea, section of Roman south wall or Road Tower
Caesarea, section within south Crusader wall
Caesarea, shore close to theater, mouth of drain
Caesarea, site of hippodrome from north
Caesarea, site of hippodrome from south
Caesarea, site of hippodrome looking northeast
Caesarea, site of southern theater
Caesarea, south shore close to Roman theater
Caesarea, sunset with fishing boat and castle
Caesarea, sunset with fishing boat and castle
Caesarea, sunset, overlooking remains of stronghold
Caesarea, west side of cathedral, Paul's prison
Caesarea Philippi
Banias source of Jordan
Banias source of Jordan
Banias village, ancient Caesarea Philippi
Banias, summer house
Caesarea Philippi, niches in escarpment
Caesarea Philippi, Roman bridge and city gate
Caesarea Philippi, Roman bridge and city gate
Caesarea Philippi, shrine to god Pan
Caesarea Philippi, shrines to god Pan
Caesarea Philippi, shrines to god Pan
Caesarea Philippi, source of Jordan
Caesarea Philippi, source of Jordan
Caesarea Philippi, two men by river
Weli, sanctuary at Banias
Ephraim and Manasseh
Arab village in Ephraim
Awerta, tombs of Eleazar and Phinehas
Beitin, gathering tares from wheat
Beitin, harvest time
Beitin, inhabitants in orchard
Beitin, possible Bethel
Bethel excavation, 1954, Canaanite houses
Bethel excavation, 1954, Greco-Roman houses
Bethel excavation, 1954, house from Judges period
Bethel excavation, 1954, house from Judges period
Bethel excavation, 1954, pots from first century
Dothan, Joseph's Well
Dothan, where Joseph was sold by his brothers
El Bireh, possible Beeroth
Hill country of Ephraim
Joseph's Well, Dothan
Kefar Malek, typical village
Lubban, biblical Lebonah
Mosque at Jenin
Ramallah, distant view
Ramallah, street
Shiloh from south
Shiloh, Plain of the Maidens
Shiloh, ruins
Taiybe village, biblical Ephraim
Taiybe, ruins of buttress
Taiybe, ruins of church
Tibna, columbarium
Tibna, oak
Tibna, possible Timnath Serah
Tibna, ruins
Galilee Hill Country
Ancient stone jar
Cave of prehistoric Galilee Skull
Cave of prehistoric Galilee Skull, stratification
Horns of Hattin
Kadesh Naphtali ruins
Kadesh Naphtali, old sarcophagus
Kefar Kenna, traditional Cana of Galilee
Kefar Kenna, traditional Cana, Greek church interior
Kefar Kenna, traditional Cana, Greek church
Kefar Kenna, traditional Cana, home
Safed looking east
Safed, city built on a hill
Sea of Galilee and Arbel from Horns of Hattin
Sea of Galilee from Horns of Hattin
Wadi Hammam, Arbel, Sea of Galilee from west
Haifa and bay from lower slopes of Mount Carmel
Haifa and bay from top of Mount Carmel
Haifa and bay, seen from Mount Carmel
Haifa and harbor from Mount Carmel
Haifa and harbor from slopes of Mount Carmel
Haifa and Kishon from Hebrew Technical Institute
Haifa and Mount Carmel
Haifa bay from Abbas Effendi's garden
Haifa before harbor complete, panorama
Haifa from Church Missionary Society School
Haifa from Mount Carmel
Haifa harbor with war ship
Haifa, closer panorama 1
Haifa, closer panorama 2
Haifa, closer panorama 3
Haifa, new railroad station, 1946
Haifa, new section, showing Tomb of Abbas Effendi
Haifa, petrol tanks, concrete viaduct over railroad
Haifa, view of bay from Carmel with harbor and Acco
Haifa, view of bay from Carmel with harbor and Acco
Hebrew Technical Institute, main building, gardens
Oil tanks near Haifa with bridge across railroad
Oil tanks near Haifa, close up
Huleh Basin
Bridge over Jordan, Jisr Banat Yacoub
Dan, main source of Jordan
Dan, Tell El Kadi, source of Jordan
Hasbany source of Jordan
Hazor, upper city from south
Huleh and Mount Hermon from Rosh Pinna-Safed road
Huleh Lake and Mount Hermon
Huleh Lake from Hazor
Jordan and Jisr Benat Yacoub, British frontier post
Tell Hazor excavations
Tell Hazor
View looking south from Dan
Jaffa from Hotel du Parc
Jaffa from north beach
Jaffa from sea
Jaffa from sea
Jaffa shore, rocks in storm
Jaffa, Alhambra Cinema, Arab cinema
Jaffa, Alhambra Cinema, Arab cinema
Jaffa, bazaar
Jaffa, bazaar
Jaffa, boat going through rocks
Jaffa, boys with baskets of oranges
Jaffa, coasting boat being loaded with oranges
Jaffa, exporting oranges
Jaffa, harbor
Jaffa, house of Simon the Tanner
Jaffa, landing place
Jaffa, loading camel with orange boxes
Jaffa, marketplace
Jaffa, mosque
Jaffa, older section of city by sea
Jaffa, older section of city by sea
Jaffa, orange grove with irrigating canal
Jaffa, orange grove
Jaffa, orange laden steamer off for Liverpool
Jaffa, packing oranges
Jaffa, port
Jaffa, Rocks of Andromeda
Jaffa, rough sea
Jaffa, street and clock tower
Jaffa, street at house of Simon the Tanner
Jaffa, street near landing place
Jaffa, street with tracks
Jaffa, Tabitha's well
Jaffa, view from roof of Simon the Tanner's house
Jezreel Valley
Afuleh railway station
Afuleh, early Jewish settlement
Afuleh, hospital for entire countryside
Afuleh, with mountains of Gilboa
Ahab's Well near Jezreel
Beth Shean and mountains of Gilboa
Beth Shean excavations, dumping debris
Beth Shean excavations, remains of Byzantine portal
Beth Shean excavations, tomb containing skeleton
Beth Shean from south, site of recent excavations
Beth Shean, Arab village of Beisan
Beth Shean, excavations in progress
Beth Shean, excavations in progress
Beth Shean, general view of ruins
Beth Shean, tell
Ein Harod, baby creche, baby in crib
Ein Harod, children's home, communal creche
Ein Harod, communal dining room
Ein Harod, communal house
Ein Harod, Gideon's Fountain modernized
Ein Harod, Gideon's Fountain
Ein Harod, new settlement
Endor village
Hill of Moreh and Jezreel Valley
Jezreel Valley and Carmel Range
Jezreel Valley from Mount Carmel
Jezreel Valley from Nazareth hills
Jezreel Valley from Nazareth
Jezreel Valley, aerial view with Gilboa and Ein Harod
Jezreel Valley, Hill of Moreh from Nazareth Ridge
Jezreel Valley, Tel Adis
Jezreel, Arab village of Zerin
Jezreel, Arab village of Zerin
Jezreel, remains of Tower of Jezebel
Kishon River and Mount Carmel from Jezreel Valley
Kishon River and Mount Carmel
Megiddo, Tell Mutesellim
Nain and Mount Tabor
Shunem and mountains of Gilboa
Shunem gardens
Shunem village
Mount Carmel
Carmel Range from Nazareth hill
Carmelite monastery, interior of chapel
Carmelite monastery
Daliyeh, Druze home
Mount Carmel and palm groves
Mount Carmel, Druze guest chamber
Mount Carmel, Elijah's Spring
Mount Carmel, flocks at place of sacrifice
Mount Carmel, Muhraqa monastery
Mount Carmel, one of its thousand valleys
Mount Carmel, place of sacrifice
Mt Carmel, place of sacrifice from Jezreel Valley
Sunset over Mount Carmel
Mount Hermon
Mount Hermon from east with camels
Mount Hermon from Horns of Hattin
Mount Hermon from Nazareth
Mount Hermon from Sea of Galilee
Mount Hermon from summit of Jebel Sunnin
Mount Hermon summit, aerial view
Mount Hermon, Druze guide on summit
Mount Hermon, highest point
Mount Hermon, looking east
Mount Hermon, looking northwest
Mount Hermon, looking south
Mount Hermon, looking southwest
Mount Hermon
Mount Hermon, ruins of Kasr Antar on summit
Mount Hermon, snow clad, from Nahal Barbar
Mount Hermon, spring of Ain Sabrun
Mount Hermon, sunrise from summit
Mount Hermon, view looking north
Subeibeh, Nimrod's Fortress, inside view
Subeibeh, Nimrod's Fortress
Mount Tabor
Church on Mount Tabor
Daburieh and Mount Tabor
Mount Tabor from Jezreel Valley
Mount Tabor from west
Mount Tabor, Church of Transfiguration, dome mosaic
Mount Tabor, Church of Transfiguration, from nw
Mount Tabor, Church of Transfiguration, from sw
Mount Tabor, Church of Transfiguration, interior
Mount Tabor
Mount Tabor, ruins where present church now stands
Mount Tabor, showing zigzag road to summit
Hill of Precipitation near Nazareth
Nazareth and Hill of Precipitation
Nazareth and Mt Tabor
Nazareth from east, bridle path in foreground
Nazareth from east
Nazareth, animal market
Nazareth, bazaars
Nazareth, Chapel of Carpenter Shop, interior
Nazareth, Chapel of Carpenter Shop
Nazareth, Chapel of Mensa Christi
Nazareth, Church of Annunciation, exterior
Nazareth, Church of Annunciation
Nazareth, Church of the Annunciation
Nazareth, covered street, high arches
Nazareth, general view
Nazareth, Greek Church of Virgin
Nazareth, Home of Christ and chapel
Nazareth, home of Christ
Nazareth, Joseph's workshop
Nazareth, maiden dressed in antique brocade
Nazareth, old bazaars with dome of Mensa Christi
Nazareth, old city street
Nazareth, site of synagogue
Nazareth, street scene in older quarter
Nazareth, vegetable market
Nazareth, Virgin's Fountain
Samaria city
Samaria excavations, Iron Age acropolis
Samaria excavations, stairway to Herodian temple
Samaria from Church of St John
Samaria from Shechem Road
Samaria, ancient sculptures found at Samaria
Samaria, Church of St John, interior
Samaria, Church of St John
Samaria, distant view
Samaria, general view
Samaria, grand colonnade
Samaria, Herodian temple remains
Samaria, Herodian towers and city gate
Samaria, looking south toward Valley of Samaria
Samaria, looking west toward Valley of Samaria
Samaria, pillars of Roman basilica
Sea of Galilee
Chorazin ruins
Chorazin ruins
Chorazin, Seat of Moses with Hebrew inscription
Chorazin, synagogue ruins
Chorazin, synagogue ruins
Country of Gadarenes from Sea of Galilee
Country of Gadarenes
Ein Gev and Hippos from Sea of Galilee
Ein Gev from watch tower looking towards southwest
Ein Gev from watch tower looking towards Tiberias
Ein Gev group of settlers
Ein Gev lookout tower with mounted searchlight
Ein Gev lookout tower with sea beyond
Ein Gev pier
Hippos summit with sea and Tiberias
Hippos with ancient remains
Hippos, Susita, from southwest
Hippos, Susita, from west
Jordan River entering Sea of Galilee
Khirbet el-Minya, Umayyad palace mosaics
Magdala and northwest corner of Sea of Galilee
Magdala from north
Mount Hermon and Sea of Galilee
Plain of Gennesaret and Arbel cliffs
Plain of Gennesaret from Tabgha
Sea of Galilee and Mt Hermon with boat
Sea of Galilee and Plain of Gennesaret
Sea of Galilee from east with Semach and Tiberias
Sea of Galilee from Ginosar
Sea of Galilee near Magdala, with camel caravan
Sea of Galilee southern end from east
Sea of Galilee, inflow of Jordan River, aerial view
Sea of Galilee, south end
Sea of Galilee, telephoto from Gadara
Semakh railway station
Semakh, timber trestle bridge
Sunrise over Sea of Galilee from Magdala
Sea of Galilee, Capernaum
Capernaum from lake shore
Capernaum from north
Capernaum from Sea of Galilee
Capernaum ruins
Capernaum, Bedouin tent
Capernaum, blocks with incisions for roof beams
Capernaum, capitals and entablature of synagoge
Capernaum, Corinthian capitals among ruins
Capernaum, Corinthian capitals with menorah
Capernaum, decorated frieze and cornice
Capernaum, details of allegorical animals, eagles
Capernaum, details of frieze with six pointed star
Capernaum, eastern stairway, close up
Capernaum, frieze and cornice showing pomegranates
Capernaum, frieze showing five pointed star, grapes
Capernaum, general view of ruins from north
Capernaum, landing place
Capernaum, melee of fragments
Capernaum, relief of structure on wheels
Capernaum, remains of western wall of synagogue
Capernaum, representation of pot of manna
Capernaum, restored synagogue
Capernaum, ruins of synagogue
Capernaum, various designs on frieze and cornice
Capernaum, western stairway
Sea of Galilee at Capernaum
Sea of Galilee, Tabgha
Cave of prehistoric Galilee Skull
Tabgha from Sea of Galilee
Tabgha shoreline
Tabgha shoreline, Oct 1945
Tabgha with aqueduct
Tabgha, bathing beach
Tabgha, chapel over loaves and fishes mosaic
Tabgha, German hospice from sea
Tabgha, German hospice gardens from west
Tabgha, mosaic floor of ancient church
Tabgha, mosaic floor, Greek inscription
Tabgha, mosaic floor, loaves and fishes
Tabgha, site of first century church
Tabgha, traditional site of feeding five thousand
Sea of Galilee, Tiberias
Galilee Lido, bathers on landing stage and Mt Hermon
Galilee Lido
Hammat Tiberias, thermal baths
Lido, flying boat Clio on lake with Mount Hermon
Lido, flying boat Clio, taking off
Mount Hermon from Tiberias
Mount Hermon from Tiberias, with Muslim mosque
Sea of Galilee, locals on lake shore
Tiberias and lake from foot of Herod's Hill
Tiberias and Mount Hermon
Tiberias and Mount Hermon
Tiberias and Sea of Galilee
Tiberias from 1000 meter altitude
Tiberias from citadel
Tiberias from lake
Tiberias Hotel, exterior
Tiberias Lido, market
Tiberias view from Tiberias Hotel
Tiberias, awaiting 1st sea plane on Sea of Galilee
Tiberias, distant view
Tiberias, English hospital
Tiberias, general view from west
Tiberias, general view
Tiberias, general view
Tiberias, lakefront
Tiberias, lakeside and old tower
Tiberias, marketplace
Tiberias, mosque and minaret
Tiberias, mosque
Tiberias, near view
Tiberias, old mosque
Tiberias, Scots Mission Hospital, compound from sea
Tiberias, Scots Mission Hospital, sea shore
Tiberias, Scots Mission Hospital, staff at entrance
Tiberias, site of ancient city
Sharon Plain
Aphek, Antipatris, aerial view from east
Aphek, Antipatris, aerial view with springs
Aphek, old caravansary
Aphek, source of Yarkon River with flock of sheep
Atlit harbor
Atlit, Crusader castle lower hall
Atlit, Crusader castle ruins
Atlit, eastern wall of Crusader castle
Atlit, excavations
Atlit, rock hewn moat
Herzliya orchards, view looking toward sea
Herzliya, Jewish coastal colony
Netanya, distant view from the south
Sharon Plain
Sharon Plain, pastoral scene on northern Sharon
Sharon Plain, pastoral scene
Shechem area
Jacob's Well after iron mounting and chapel installed
Jacob's Well ruins
Jacob's Well, interior
Jacob's Well
Joseph's Tomb
Looking north from Mount Gerizim
Mount Ebal from Jacob's Well
Mount Gerizim from Jacob's Well
Mount Gerizim, place of sacrifice
Mount Gerizim, ruins of temple
Nablus between Ebal and Gerizim
Nablus, earthquake damage
Nablus, new mosque, from inside old town
Nablus, new mosque, interior from east entrance
Nablus, with base of Mount Ebal
Samaritan chapel on Mount Gerizim
Samaritan synagogue in Nablus
Sychar and Mount Gerizim
Sychar, threshing floor
Tel Aviv
Ramat Gan, n of Tel Aviv, Zionist colony
Rishon le Zion, avenue of date palms
Rishon le Zion, baskets filled with grapes for wine
Rishon le Zion, Jewish settlement
Rishon le Zion, transporting almonds
Rishon le Zion, wine factory
Tel Aviv, aerial view from sea
Tel Aviv, aerial view
Tel Aviv, Allenby Square
Tel Aviv, Allenby Street, view from high building
Tel Aviv, Barclay Bank
Tel Aviv, beach with bathers
Tel Aviv, beach, view towards Jaffa
Tel Aviv, Benjamin Avenue
Tel Aviv, busy street
Tel Aviv, children doing drills
Tel Aviv, circle
Tel Aviv, cold storage plant, exterior
Tel Aviv, Dizengoff Circle from north
Tel Aviv, Dizengoff Street looking north
Tel Aviv, Dizengoff Street looking south
Tel Aviv, Exchange Automatic Telephone
Tel Aviv, general view
Tel Aviv, gymnasium
Tel Aviv, Herzl Avenue
Tel Aviv, junction of Rehovot road and Jaffa road
Tel Aviv, Lord Reading in power house with group
Tel Aviv, lounge
Tel Aviv, military hostel, dining hall
Tel Aviv, military hostel
Tel Aviv, Moghrabi theater at night
Tel Aviv, Moghrabi theatre, movie picture house
Tel Aviv, Municipality of Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv, Reading Power House motors
Tel Aviv, Reading Power House
Tel Aviv, Rothschild Street
Tel Aviv, Sephardic synagogue
Tel Aviv, St Andrew's house
Tel Aviv, street scene